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公民权利 英文原版 Citizenship (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) 麻省理工学术书
The glorification of citizenship is a given in today's world, part of a civic narrative that invokes liberation, dignity, and nationhood. In reality, explains Dimitry Kochenov, citizenship is a story of complacency, hypocrisy, and domination, flattering to citizens and demeaning for noncitizens. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Kochenov explains the state of citizenship in the modern world.
Kochenov offers a critical introduction to a subject most often regarded uncritically, describing what citizenship is, what it entails, how it came about, and how its role in the world has been changing. He examines four key elements of the concept: status, considering how and why the status of citizenship is extended, what function it serves, and who is left behind; rights, particularly the right to live and work in a state; duties, and what it means to be a “good citizen”; and politics, as enacted in the granting and enjoyment of citizenship.
Citizenship promises to apply the attractive ideas of dignity, equality, and human worth―but to strictly separated groups of individuals. Those outside the separation aren't citizens as currently understood, and they do not belong. Citizenship, Kochenov warns, is too often a legal tool that justifies violence, humiliation, and exclusion.
Dimitry Kochenov is Professor of EU Constitutional Law at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He has held visiting appointments and fellowships, among other places, at Princeton University (LAPA), the College of Europe (Natolin), the University of Turin, NYU Law School (Emile Noël Fellow), and the Institute for Global Studies (Basel). He has served as a consultant for governments, law firms, and international institutions, including the Maltese Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the European Parliament. He is the author of EU Enlargement and the Failure of Conditionality.
Citizenship is thus a violent tool of inequitable distribution of the basic life chances around the globe. The violence of this reality is attested to by the loss of life among those who do not buy the status quo: more than fifteen thousand dead in the Mediterranean according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) and over fifteen hundred dead in the Arizona desert between 2012 and 2017 alone. Sixteen thousand five hundred people dying while trying to cross an inequitably preassigned border of opportunity is a minuscule number compared with the population of all the countries whose citizenship is a liability, which is billions and counting, Citizenship emerges in a radically different light from within the bounded bastions of the richest countries and fro...
"The thrust of liberalization was to turn citizenship into a right, which was paradoxical, because to have rights cannot itself be a right."
- Christian Joppke
As the racist and anti-egalitarian core of the status becomes ever more pronounced when one looks at how it works between states, within one state the status is becoming less racist, sexist, and intolerant, amenable to cumulation and re-ethnicization as well as de-ethnicization. In so becoming, citizenship potentially debunks its very core, which is the justification for the systemic, randomized subjugation of the "other" while ensuring smooth governability of a narrow selection of those who are proclaimed to belong.
The status is thus becoming less and less effective in performing its function of facilitating sexist, racist, and economic subjugation within states, while still effectively cutting the legal boundaries of exclusion between and through societies.
The most important lesson ...
Citizenship is an official celebration of equality, yet its main function is random exclusion. Citizenship is an official trope for political empowerment, yet the natural effect of its successful operation is complacency. Citizenship is about celebrating an identity, yet identity is not a necessary element of the citizenship package as we have seen. Moreover, citizenship's recent evolution points toward discrediting the "good citizen" mythology. Citizenship is about rights in the sovereign territory, yet current trends in rights and the evolution of territoriality make sustaining this correlation truly untenable for numerous nations around the world.
The glorification of citizenship is a given in today's world, part of a civic narrative that invokes liberation, dignity, and nationhood. In reality, explains Dimitry Kochenov, citizenship is a story of complacency, hypocrisy, and domination, flattering to citizens and demeaning for noncitizens. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Kochenov explains the state of citizenship in the modern world.
Kochenov offers a critical introduction to a subject most often regarded uncritically, describing what citizenship is, what it entails, how it came about, and how its role in the world has been changing. He examines four key elements of the concept: status, considering how and why the status of citizenship is extended, what function it serves, and who is left behind; rights, particularly the right to live and work in a state; duties, and what it means to be a “good citizen”; and politics, as enacted in the granting and enjoyment of citizenship.
Citizenship promises to apply the attractive ideas of dignity, equality, and human worth―but to strictly separated groups of individuals. Those outside the separation aren't citizens as currently understood, and they do not belong. Citizenship, Kochenov warns, is too often a legal tool that justifies violence, humiliation, and exclusion.
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